Obituaries 1824
Baltimore Patriot: 5 August 1824
Friday, 23-Aug-2024 06:32:26 CDT [an error occurred while processing this directive]
Submitted by: D. Rhema
BREVITT.- With no ordinary emotions of regret, we record the departure of
our late worthy citizen, JOHN BREVITT, who died on the 24th inst. after a severe
illness of several weeks, in the 64th year of his age. We mention his death as a
subject of information, or custom, for his virtuous character stands in no need
of newspaper eulogy. He was well known as one of the oldest and most respectabel
inhabitants of Baltimore, and during a long and useful life, exhibited do
unblemished a character and such a course of honorable and upright conduct, as
casts a dignity on human nature itself. In private life, his social virtues were
of the first order and his friendships of the most valued kind. He was an
officer during the American Revolution, and joined the army at the age of 19-For
the last 25 years of his life, he was an active member of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, and in his religious career evinced so much piety, and such an
eveness and consistency of deportment that the tongue of slander itself never
lisped a reproach against him. He died without an enemy and in the full
assurance of eternal bliss.
“The chamber where the good man meets his fate,
Is privleged beyond the common walk,
Of virtuous life, quite in the verge of heaven.”